Color picker for Text and CSS

I’d like to know how to go about adding a color picker for NEOS to change the color of text and of some CSS styles that I have in NEOS.


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You can implement your own inspector editor to add a color picker there and select one color for an element.


What is not really easily possible is adding a color picker to the inline editor.


Hey Christian, thanks for your response, essentially I am trying to add a color picker for the bar that has ’ Editio exlclusiv’ as seen below here.

That should be easily possible with the above mentioned approach. Ideally share the colorpicker editor you created afterwards :slight_smile:

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Hey Christian, sorry for the late response. But I opted to create some custom CSS classes with a different background-color options and then used Typoscript to trigger them based on a Selectorbox property. Hope this helps anyone in a similar situation.