Development setup

Guide to getting a development setup

In order to contribute code you’ll need a development setup. There are a couple of approaches to achieving that. You’ll need to have a environment suited for running Flow and a few additional things depending on the contribution.

Cloning the development distribution (recommended):


Latest (might not be what you want, as it will give you the upcoming 9.0 version):

composer create-project neos/neos-development-distribution neos-development @dev --keep-vcs

Specific version (probably what you want):

composer create-project neos/neos-development-distribution neos-development 8.3.x-dev --keep-vcs

Link: GitHub - neos/neos-development-distribution: Distribution providing a basis for developing Neos

This is a full distribution containing the required dependencies for developing Neos including the neos-development-collection and the flow-development-collection.

Check out a different development branch

git checkout 8.0
composer update



composer create-project neos/flow-development-distribution flow-development @dev --keep-vcs

Specific version

composer create-project neos/flow-development-distribution flow-development 8.0.x-dev --keep-vcs

This is a full distribution containing the required dependencies for developing Flow including the flow-development-collection.

Check out a different development branch

git checkout 8.0
composer update

Link: GitHub - neos/flow-development-distribution: Distribution providing a basis for developing Flow

Adjust existing distribution:


Remove the requirement on neos/neos

composer remove --no-update "neos/neos"
composer remove --no-update "neos/neos-nodetypes"

Add the neos-development-collection and flow-development-collection to your composer.json file according to composer.json (varies depending on the version).


composer require --no-update "neos/neos-development-collection:8.0.x-dev"
composer require --no-update "neos/flow-development-collection:@dev"
composer update


Remove the requirement on neos/flow

composer remove --no-update "neos/flow"

Add the neos-development-collection and flow-development-collection to your composer.json file according to composer.json (varies depending on the version).


composer require --no-update "neos/flow-development-collection:8.0.x-dev"
composer update

Fork the repository

In order to create Pull-Requests you first need to fork the repository. Once done you can make that forked repository your origin so that you don’t accidentally push to the neos repository:


cd Packages/Neos
git remote rename origin upstream
git remote add origin<your-gh-username>/neos-development-collection.git 


cd Packages/Framework
git remote rename origin upstream
git remote add origin<your-gh-username>/flow-development-collection.git 


  • Tips
  • Branches
  • Hub
  • Next steps (creating pull request)
  • Tests
  • Travis