Elasticsearch Amazon AWS

Does anybody has experience with Elasticsearch and Amazons AWS Server?

I have problems getting an query result from AWS. Configuration is fine, i can build nodeindex. I can seen the index in my AWS account but if i start a curl query i got no hits.

If i try the same locally with an docker elasticsearch image everything is fine …

“took” : 4,
“timed_out” : false,
"_shards" : {
“total” : 5,
“successful” : 5,
“failed” : 0
“hits” : {
“total” : 0,
“max_score” : null,
“hits” : [ ]

Did you check the ElasticSearch log in Data/Logs ? Look like your index exist but it’s empty

./flow nodeindex:build
Created index typo3cr-1463988106
Updated Mapping.
Indexing nodes …
Workspace “live” and dimensions “{“language”:[“en”]}” done. (Indexed 39 nodes)
Workspace “live” and dimensions “{“language”:[“de”]}” done. (Indexed 11 nodes)
Workspace “live” and dimensions “{“language”:[“fr”]}” done. (Indexed 1 nodes)
Workspace “live” and dimensions “{“language”:[“nl”]}” done. (Indexed 11 nodes)
Workspace “live” and dimensions “{“language”:[“dk”]}” done. (Indexed 1 nodes)
Workspace “live” and dimensions “{“language”:[“lv”]}” done. (Indexed 1 nodes)
Workspace “user-admin” and dimensions “{“language”:[“en”]}” done. (Indexed 39 nodes)
Workspace “user-admin” and dimensions “{“language”:[“de”]}” done. (Indexed 11 nodes)
Workspace “user-admin” and dimensions “{“language”:[“fr”]}” done. (Indexed 1 nodes)
Workspace “user-admin” and dimensions “{“language”:[“nl”]}” done. (Indexed 11 nodes)
Workspace “user-admin” and dimensions “{“language”:[“dk”]}” done. (Indexed 1 nodes)
Workspace “user-admin” and dimensions “{“language”:[“lv”]}” done. (Indexed 1 nodes)
Done. (indexed 192 nodes)

But you are right, there is one error in logs it may cause the problem:

ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script]; nested: ScriptException[dynamic scripting for [groovy] disabled]

Is there any way to change the query configuration?

Ok as i can see AWS does not support “dynamic scripting” at all


Try to use https://www.elastic.co/fr/cloud they support scripting

Ok thanks!