[SOLVED] Frontend cache problem


I have standard Neos.Demo instalation, and I have problem with cache.
For example if I add page, or modify title of existing one and publish changes everything is working fine, the problem is when I delete page. When I publish changes in BE I have correct set of pages in menu, but in FE there is still deleted page.
The same problem is with content, content collection elements - after delete element and publish there is no change in FE - element is still shown.

After adding in Root.fusion

root {
@cache {
mode = ‘uncached’
context {
1 = ‘node’
2 = ‘documentNode’

Everything is ok, but cache for all page elements is turned off?

Hey @sim_co,

maybe this will also solve your problem?

Hi, sorry but lately I was quite busy, but I have not found a solution for my problem in your reply.
Fortunately Neos 4.2 was released, I installed with a demo package and everything is working fine :slight_smile: I don’t know if the problem was in the system or in my instalation process, but I’m happy thats everything is working now! Thanks for your time!

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