How to render a node differently when it was selected within a TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:ContentReferences

I created a node type YouTubeVideo. I would like to render the YouTubeVideo nodes differently when they were selected within a TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:ContentReferences.

What is necessary to achieve this?

I tried to find a solution after debugging {node} inside the Fluid template of the YoutTubeVideo node but could not find a way to check if the node was selected within a TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:ContentReferences.

You can override your TS prototype for your node like this:

prototype(TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:ContentReferences) {
	prototype(Vendor.Package:NodeType) {
		templatePath = 'resource://Vendor.Package/Private/Templates/NodeTypes/YourNodeType.html'
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