Neos Plugin Session Not Working

According to Flow documentation Session behaves like a singleton, whenever a session is started the object is automatically serialized and saved in current user’s session. I followed the similar process provided here but it seems to be not working for me.

Here is what I am doing. I have a service which connects to an external website to retrieve the token, now I want that token to be stored in the session so it does not have to retrieve it again (saving a round trip to server here)

The expected behavior according to the document, is that the protected property $token of MagentoRestClient should be serialized and stored in the session, but it gets reset and not retrieved unless I misunderstood it or I am doing something wrong here?

 * @Flow\Scope("session")
class MagentoRestClient
	 * @var  \GuzzleHttp\Client;
	 * //@Flow\Transient
	protected $client = null;


	 * [$token description]
	 * @var string
	protected $token = '';

	 * @todo baseUri/username/password  pass through configuration
	 * @param string $baseUri [description]
	 * @Flow\Session(autoStart = TRUE)
	public function connect(string $baseUri = 'http://magento2.local', string $userName = 'neos', string $password = 'neos123' )
		//TODO inject through Dependency Injection
		$this->client = new Client(['base_uri' => $baseUri]);
		if(!$this->token) {
			try {
				$response = $this->client->request('POST', '/rest/V1/integration/admin/token', [
					'json' => [
						'username' => $userName,
						'password' => $password

				$this->token = str_replace('"', '', $response->getBody()->getContents());

			} catch(ClientException $e) {
		else {

	public function setToken(string $token)
		$this->token = $token;

	public function getToken()
		return $this->token;

	public function getClient()
		return $this->client;

This is how I injected MagentoRestClient service in my controller.

class StandardController extends ActionController

     * @var MagentoRestClient
     * @Flow\Inject
    protected $client;

     * @return void
    public function indexAction()

    	try {
            if(!$this->client->getToken()) { var_dump('connect'); //Token is not stored in session...
    		$response = $this->client->getClient()->request('GET', '/rest/V1/categories/2/products', [
    			'headers' => [
    				'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $this->client->getToken()

    		$productList = json_decode(($response->getBody()->read(2048)));
    	} catch(ClientException $e) {

        $this->view->assign('productList', $productList);