Problem with rendering an image

Hey there,

I need your help again :slight_smile:

I’m getting this error:

Argument 1 passed to TYPO3\Media\Domain\Service\AssetService_Original::getThumbnailUriAndSizeForAsset() must implement interface TYPO3\Media\Domain\Model\AssetInterface, null given, called in /opt/bitnami/apps/neos/htdocs/Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/TYPO3_Media_ViewHelpers_ImageViewHelper.php on line 128

TypeError thrown in file

 /opt/bitnami/apps/neos/htdocs/Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/TYPO3_Media_Domain_Service_AssetService.php in line 54

This is my Template:

{namespace neos=TYPO3\Neos\ViewHelpers}
{namespace media=TYPO3\Media\ViewHelpers}

<div class="row medium-up-3 large-up-4">
    <f:for each="{portfolios}" as="{portfolio}">
        <div class="column">
                <media:image asset="{}" alt="{}" title="{}" maximumWidth="550" maximumHeight="550" />

And this is in my Node:

  type: 'TYPO3\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface'
    label: 'Bild'
    reloadIfChanged: TRUE
      group: 'document'

And this my TypoScript:

prototype(sclemens.neos:PortfolioList) < prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Content) {
    templatePath = 'resource://sclemens.neos/Private/Templates/TypoScriptObjects/PortfolioList.html'
    portfolios =  ${q(site).find('[instanceof sclemens.neos:Portfolio]')}

This should be a content element which lists all children of type Portfolio. I’m not really lucky with this option because it searches in the entire site, but I only want to find Portfolio instances in the children. but q(node) doesn’t work.

Anyway, I’m not able to rendering the image in a portfolio list. What can I do?


Stupid problem in my template:

{namespace neos=TYPO3\Neos\ViewHelpers}
{namespace media=TYPO3\Media\ViewHelpers}

<div class="row medium-up-3 large-up-4">
    <f:for each="{portfolios}" as="{portfolio}">
        <div class="column">
                <media:image asset="{}" alt="{}" title="{}" maximumWidth="550" maximumHeight="550" />

The problem is here: <f:for each="{portfolios}" as="{portfolio}">
I changed as="{portfolio}" to as="portfolio" and now it works fine :slight_smile:

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