Quickstart has 404

Hello All,

Following the commands in the quickstart tutorial, I get following error after reloading in step2.


Could not resolve a route and its corresponding URI for the given parameters.

This may be due to referring to a not existing package / controller / action while building a link or URI. Refer to log and check the backtrace for more details.


    ./flow routing:list
    Currently registered routes:
    1. flow/welcome                                                                 Neos.Welcome :: Welcome screen
    2.                                                                              Neos.Welcome :: Redirect to welcome screen

This URL gives my a 404:


    Sorry, the page you requested was not found.
    Technical details:

    No controller could be resolved which would match your request. Package key: "", controller name: "Standard". (GET http://quickstart/MyCompany.MyPackage) (reference code: 201711281655247d9836)

201711281655247d9836 -> does not exists in the logs


has the same behavior

The package was created : 

    ./flow kickstart:package MyCompany.MyPackage
    Created .../MyCompany.MyPackage/Classes/Controller/StandardController.php
    Created .../MyCompany.MyPackage/Resources/Private/Layouts/Default.html
    Created .../MyCompany.MyPackage/Resources/Private/Templates/Standard/Index.html
    Created .../MyCompany.MyPackage/Classes/Controller/StandardController.php
    Created .../MyCompany.MyPackage/Resources/Private/Layouts/Default.html
    Created .../MyCompany.MyPackage/Resources/Private/Templates/Standard/Index.html
    Created .../conf.py
    Created .../Makefile
    Created .../index.rst
    Created .../.gitignore
    Created .../.gitignore
    Created .../.gitignore

A NEOS installation on the same host works as expected. So this is probably not an apache/rewrite or  access-rights issue.

Flow version is 4.2.5 (24b98b1)

    php --version
    PHP 7.0.25-1+ubuntu17.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 (cli) (built: Oct 27 2017 13:44:18) ( NTS )

Any Ideas?

Greetings Tom

I’ve found the error. ./Configuration/Settings.yaml is disabled by default. But the routing is defined there:

        'Neos.Flow': TRUE

I renamed the Settings.yaml.example to Settings.yaml an everything works as expected.

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I have the same error message. Rename Settings.yaml helps.