Team Minions | Protocol: Team Meeting | 2016-01-21

Attendees: Ben, Daniel, Florian, Karsten, Robert

  • @benk steps down as a synchronizer due to lack of time
  • @daniellienert does stuff like selling Neos to his own company…
  • Karsten needs/wants to do some infrastructure stuff, project management and coding; didn’t really get up to speed yet…
  • @robert needs to do some writing regarding the branding; currently working on concepts and early coding to scope out possible Flow 4.0 features and focus areas together with @bwaidelich; wants to push Flow branding together with @brgmn
  • @fheinze was in “sleep mode” Neos-wise and now got back to the Neos branding topic

Team retro: Monday, 25th, 10:00-11:00 CET