Team Minions – Team Meeting, 2016-08-15


  • frustrated by CR not behaving as it should
  • lots of work at work


  • happy after vacation
  • sad vacation is over
  • looking forward to working again, somehow


  • joined because his own hangout was empty :wink:
  • did release stuff and worked on support for Elasticsearch 2


  • HAPPY: finishing the move of our last large TYPO3 project to Neos, things go smooth as butter so far, should be done by the end of the month
  • UNHAPPY: had almost no time for Neos this week (except for fixing on bug), hopefully, will find time by the end of the week to push the styling part of the UI rewrite


on vacation


could not join meeting

Forgot to mention that I was on a whole-day meeting yesterday, thus no info from me - Sorry guise D:

I am a bit overwhelmed with client work, and had no time to work on neos last week, but that will change this weekend and I am also really looking forward to the sprint in Nuremberg, hope I see some guys of you there :heart: