Activity log: Team Unicorns

A first WIP patch to move the Media Browser to a dedicated package:

Write a RFC to improve NodeSearchInterface:

And a small PR for the ES package:

Worked a lot on


Also digging out some old gerrit changes and moving them to github

my work log:

  • added my input on various Discourse threads
  • reviewed some Neos and Flow changes, and merged some of these changes.

In the next weeks, I’ll continue having an eye on the review queue and discourse.

All the best,

My last update is 7 days old, so it’s time to push an update:

  • Try to push the MetaData Handling RFC on shape, currently rephrase the RFC based on the current discussion (RFC: Adding additional properties to media assets)
  • Continue to work on the Neos.MediaBrowser package
  • Transition team meeting
  • A bunch of reviews
  • Some messages on discusss
  • Quiet calm on Slack (start to love async communication more)

What I did:

  • Had a meeting with Aske to plan the website relaunch and the next steps
  • Added all pending show case submissions
  • Try to find a way to regularly work on stuff for the prioritizers and inside the team

What I will do:

  • Continue to work on the MediaBrowser Package / MetaData RFC
  • Start a new RFC to collect informations about moving Asset to the CR (RFC: Move Asset storage to the CR). It’s a wiki feel free to write down your ideas.

Personal notes: A bit less active this week, I have to start some urgent renovations in our house, due to some water infiltration and wood eater mushrooms attack (not a really good thing in a “swiss chalet”).

sick, sick, sick :frowning:

Hey everybody,

All the best,

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What I did:

What I will do:

What I did:

  • Forget to fill the log :wink:






  • Update / create missing ticket on Jira, and assign them to the Team sprint
  • Support on
  • Some code review on open PR’s

What I will do

  • Finalize the RFC for the MetaData handling the the Media Browser and start a project proposal
  • Take that every PR (see What I do) are merged before starting something else
  • Prepare my case study for Meet Neos Zurich

Work with @aertmann to have those PR merged ASAP:

Work also on Trusted Proxies feature:

Mainly been doing reviews and getting old commits over from gerrit:

There are still a few left, one of the major things being the JsonView change to have a common configuration for arrays and objects.
After that I’d like to get doctrine orm 2.5 going.

Next step would be:

Really bad at writing these logs…

Did some coding and some merging and was in some hangouts. And wrote some stuff in Slack.

After some weeks a bit out of order, slowly back on track, current focused on the Thumbnail Generator documentation, will push something during the week-end to have this merged before the feature freeze.

Not sure if I have time to work on other thing before the feature, but will spend some time on review.

Tomorrow I’m at home with my daughters, not sure if I can attend the planned retrospective, will try.

I also work on the ElasticSearch and the CR adaptor, mainly to fix a regression I create myselft, review welcome:

And continue to read some documentation and test some DAM tools to finalize the RFC about metadata handling the the Media Browser.

Try to have StyleCI running on both ElasticSearch packages, but StyleCI is a bit broken for a strange reason … need to test it further on a clone of the repository.

  • Talked about the next steps for the website with Aske, we will have a content creation kickoff meeting next week.
  • Wrote an article about what we are currently working on and twittered, facebooked and g-plused it.
  • Had a meeting with Dominique and Christian, organized our work with Jira and offered help with creating tickets for already existing PRs
  • Will go on with:

Neos 2.1 release

  • Created and changed the social channel banner graphics for the 2.1 release
  • Created and sent the newsletter for the 2.1 release
  • Announced the release on Facebook and G+

Kitchen Duties

  • Removed auto-responder mails from inbox that answered to the release newsletter
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Did bugfixes and testing on Monday evening/night to prepare release.