i would love to have my first real neos t-shirt.
there is no girls shirt so far. the nearest to a girl shirt was produced on the typo3 conference when we announced the new name “neos”. this shirt shows the typo3 logo and the word neos next to it.
i don’t want to, but i have to wear this one if i want to wear a neos shirt. i would prefer one without typo3 logo.
so it’s sad that we do not embrace the few girls we have in our community with a shirt, but i understand that we are too few girls to get a significant amount of shirts .
i want to add that putting logos on girls is a pretty good way to get attention ;-). if we use a nice color (pink! real pink, not rosé ;-)) we would not only draw even more attendtion but statistically we would also fit girls taste.
in general i think it makes sense to make different shirt in different shapes and different colors over time. you can produce some (not too much) without any dates and keep them in stock. next year you produce others.
since taste is different we could produce very different shirt over time. so over time everybody would find one which he/she loves.