Deep top-down documentation?

Hi Thomas,

It takes 10.000 hours to become a expert at something - so it takes 10.000 tries with the fishing to be really good at it :wink: Joke aside, “learning” is a very sensitive subject, as we might not all share the same “best way” of learning.

So, since a part of this year budget has been given to the work on documentation (Funding request: Documentation) your idea of “top-down documentation” to explain the concept would perhaps serve usefull for the documentation development.

Maybe they already have a plan about more “get started” material - I can’t tell. But I will suggest that you take the good ideas you have and share it with for example @beheist .

To share a personal view on how to get to learn Flow, Neos and Fusion (The three building blocks) I can suggest that you install the Neos.Demo package and look at/browse through that while reading the existing documentation material. And be curious! Don’t be afraid to fail - actually, be more afraid of not failing! And ask! All questions - nothing is newbie, we are all started at some point where we didn’t know everything :slight_smile: