Meeting Notes for “Search” Discussion
Attendants: Johannes Steu, Hans Höchtl, Aske Ertmann, Christian Müller, Sebastian Kurfürst, Dominique Feyer, Daniel Lienert, Markus Goldbeck
Evolving TYPO3CR to contain basic filtering
- we want to support a default possibility for filtering (based on node properties) and sorting without ElasticSearch or SimpleSearch
- Aske has suggested to put the Search API in a separate package (TYPO3.TYPO3CR.Search), but make TYPO3CR depend on it for the search APIs.
- All these packages will be part of the Neos Development Bundle (see below)
- There should be multiple implementations for this package, a “dumb” one based on MySQL / Postgres (which might be based off SimpleSearch); and a “Full”-Fledged one based on ElasticSearch
- That means the adapters are the following:
- “dumb” MySql (NodeBased using Indexing Tables)
- Elasticsearch
- SimpleSearch
- request TYPO3CR.Search queries from people for getting the 80% use cases
- MERGE/finalize christophers changes which make cleans up the TYPO3CR NodeData Repository (and Christian also has some changes on the list there?)
- create index tables in “Dumb” Search
- probably add 1-2 methods to NodeInterface to query nodes
- Start with implementation in CR (rudimentary)
- first solid interface
- querybuilding hidden from the outside
- 4 (Parallel): Raise Quality for Search packages, by writing behat test for dimensions, workspaces, …
- Basic idea: have different conformance levels to which implementations can adhere to.
Make Search Packages Official Packages
- We all agree that searching functionality is vital to the success of a lot of Neos projects.
- using Node Based CR Search (without ElasticSearch) for simpler Projects. For big projects, people will use ElasticSearch (our assumption)
- Many people of the team are responsible for the Search packages so far
- SUGGESTION by all participants: raise quality (by writing tests) and then add these packages to the Neos Development Bundle, effectively making them team-owned packages.
- For Jira, we propose using an “INCUBATOR” project which should contain packages which we want to become part of the core distributions (Flowpack is already some sort of incubator)
- -> TYPO3CR.Search will move closer to the core
- integrate in into the Neos Distribution
- enhance the quality
- tests
- We agree backwards compatibility in the existing search API is crucial; but it might be an option to add a feature flag or so to get “advanced” query results back – in order for a query result to contain aggregations etc.
Search Frontend
- SearchPlugin becomes Frontend ElasticSearch Plugin
- will be tailored to ElasticSearch features
- This package could be taken over by anybody in the community/team who wants to help out; Sebastian would hand over this package (which currently still is at a very rough and prototypical state, anyways)
- solve rendering stuff
- integrate complex stuff aggregations
- aggregations could be configurable with yaml or TypoScript