[SOLVED] Form finisher differenet email recipients


I’ve a contact form with a selection of the topic of the enquiry (general, application, technical problem, …). Is it possible to send an email via form finisher depending on the topic to different email addresses without rewriting the form finisher class?


If you use the “static” YAML based form definition, that’s not possible I’m afraid.
With the Fusion based definition (Neos.Form.Builder) it would be possible.

But it’s just a few lines of PHP code to write a dedicated single purpose email finisher that gets the mapping topic => email address(es) via options.

Many thanks. I just rewrote the form with the Form Builder.

There’s one more question I couln’t find an answer with research:
How can I work with the submitted form values? Can i only get them with the curly braces like below or is there another way?
name = '{name}'

Work with them where?
In a finisher you can access them via the FinisherContext:

public function execute(FinisherContext $finisherContext): void
    $formValues = $finisherContext->getFormValues();
    // ...

I want to work with the variables directly in Fusion, that I can set the recipient address depending on a form value. Is this possible?

Oh, I think that was a misunderstanding, I’m sorry:
With the Fusion Builder you can create Form Definitions via Fusion.
They can be dynamic in that they can use Eel & access context variables like:

prototype(Some.Package:ContactForm) < prototype(Neos.Form.Builder:Form) {
    @context.redirectUri = Neos.Neos:NodeUri {
        node = ${q(node).property('redirectTarget')}
    presetName = 'default'
    firstPage {
        // ...
    finishers {
        redirectFinisher = Neos.Form.Builder:RedirectFinisher.Definition {
            options {
                uri = ${redirectUri}

And you could use that to dynamically set the recipient(s) of the EmailFinisher based on the current context.
But that just creates a fixed Form definition in the end so it’s not possible to access the form values yet.

Your scenario is common so I think we should add some “recipientMapping” option to the existing EmailFinisher, but for now you’ll probably have to write your own.

You could just extend the existing one like

class MappingEmailFinisher extends EmailFinisher

    protected function executeInternal()
        $this->options['recipientAddress'] = $this->resolveRecipient();

    private function resolveRecipient(): string
        if (!empty($this->options['recipientMapping']) && is_array($this->options['recipientMapping']) && !empty($this->options['recipientMappingField'])) {
            $fieldValue = ObjectAccess::getPropertyPath($this->finisherContext->getFormValues(), $this->options['recipientMappingField']);
            if ($fieldValue !== null && array_key_exists($fieldValue, $this->options['recipientMapping'])) {
                return $this->options['recipientMapping'][$fieldValue];
        // TODO exception / default recipient?

Or just create a new implementation of the FinisherInterface and copy/adjust the relevant code from the EmailFinisher.


Thanks for your reply, @bwaidelich!

I’ll try and hopefully succeed :grin:

Let me know if you get stuck!

@Matschess you deleted your last post before I had a chance to respond. Did you find a solution yourself?

Hey @bwaidelich,

in the end I decided to build the form with the Yaml form builder and make the addresses static in the Yaml configuration, becuase it’s not likely that they will change. But the mapping works well!

Very simple and familiar :grinning:

Thanks for the help, maybe we will se a “Recipient Mapping Class” in one of the future Neos versions :+1: