Christoph Köppel (@chkoeppel) 21h
(original: Funding request: Documentation)
Hi Bastian
as you summarized quite well the topic, - it inspired me to some further reflections.
Shouldn’t the “Neos Docs space” probably be separated into
“code-centric” Docs-Space
“user-centric” Docs-Space
The first is no problem, and should be maintainable like code …
as you initiate it right now …
The second would cover ‘users need’ of ‘having’ tutorials, how-to’s, …
… but how to
have them produced (the others)
standardize their appearance (form)
place them (where to find)
regulate them (quality)
maintain them (or not maintained)
Proposal: Repository for “user-centric Docs”
I compacted the idea in the following paper: 1
I don’t think, that there were a tool on the market, that would cover this topic, but ‘Neos’ could cover it technically
page tree as ‘configured’ global “Doc reference layer”
dynamic nodeType-Module (illustrated content)
filter logic
user access and edit-constraints
handy filter template
“comment” module
Such a tool would not be made in one day, - I know …
How much time to develop for somebody who has the skills ?
if the idea would be realistic, - should it be taken in the budget consideration now ?
“user-centric docs” themselves would never get paid, I think … because this would be endless … ?
But if you count the endless hours for “classic” scenarios concerning “production and maintenance of user-centric documentation” …
Could at least be worth to gain overview now over the topic, just to understand the vastness of the “Docs-Space” …