Multisite capabilities of Neos

Yes, that should be fairly easy using the NodeTreePrivilege. For the moment this means that you need at least one Role per site though (we’re working on a “groups”-feature that allows you to add parameters to a role, so this won’t be needed in the future).
Given you have two sites “site1” and “site2” the Policy.yaml could look like:



        matcher: 'isDescendantNodeOf("/sites/site1")'
        matcher: 'isDescendantNodeOf("/sites/site2")'

          privilegeTarget: 'Your.Site1:EditPrivilege'
          permission: GRANT

          privilegeTarget: 'Your.Site2:EditPrivilege'
          permission: GRANT

Now users with the role Your.Site1:Editor should have write access to all nodes of site1 and Your.Site2:Editor-users to nodes of site2 (untested).

Roles and privileges are an application-wide concept so they should be prepared by the developer/integrator via Policy.yaml. There are some concepts for a “Policy.yaml builder” (see RFC: Policy.yaml backend module for example) but usually this is something you don’t want to change during production!

However, with the “groups-feature” mentioned above it will be possible to specify certain parameters in the user module like user <foo> has role <editor> for site <site1> (see if you’re interested about details).

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