During the Vienna sprint we had a retro on 15th of Ocotber 2019.
Note: Check https://github.com/neos/team/issues for (all) retro ToDos
List of participants
- Bernhard Schmitt
- Christian Müller
- Christoph Engelmeyer
- David Spiola
- Dmitri Pisarev
- Fiach Dillon
- Gerhard Boden
- Jon Uhlmann
- Karsten Dambekalns
- Markus Günther
- Martin Ficzel
- Robert Lemke
- Roland Schütz
- Sebastian Helzle
- Tobias Gruber
Summary of the retro
After a short welcome we introduced the agenda (which was very “compact” this time).
As always we opened the retrospective with shortly talking about the vegas rule and the prime directive.
Prime directive
Then we looked at the todo items from the last retro and checked their status. Like during the last retro we set them up on github: https://github.com/neos/team/issues again.
ToDos from the last retro
After that we checked the timeline of things happening since the last retrospective in May 2019.
Compared to earlier retros we lacked momentum (even though the timeline does not show the UI releases, unlike the earlier ones). There were no team changes this time, and considerably less events.
Next we held two fishbowls on the issues of “Team Development & Rejuvenation” and “Team Capacity & Workload”.
Recording of the “Team Development & Rejuvenation” fishbowl
Recording of the “Team Capacity & Workload” fishbowl
Thanks to @christianm and @sebobo for moderating the retro!
Thanks to everybody for the attendance, the spirit and the engaged participation.