Product Vision Flow / Neos

I decided to read some discussions here this morning and I must say I’m pretty much delighted by reading this thread :wink:

My 2 cents:

  • I pretty much agree to the visions above
  • Flow with CQRS / Event sourcing / DDD would be awesome.
  • I would really love to change Flow from being a full framework to a layer on top of Symfony. Even if that means a hell of a job. If we manage to put our vision / the current strong points of ‘the way Flow works’ in such a layer it would open a lot of possibilities… (and the codebase would probably be smaller too :stuck_out_tongue: )
  • I would like to discuss moving the UI from Neos to a separate package. I’m getting tired of 2 things: the lack of a solid API and the constant framework discussions for the ajvascript part. We use Neos now only as a content repository and find that the strong points of Neos are easy to sell that way. Selling the interface is a bit harder for us though…