Hangout Meeting by @christopher and @sebastian
- so far worked on CKEditor integration and basic Reference Editor
- next TODO: CRUD of Nodes (“Insert Node Panel”)
- including constraints
- later, move/copy
- later: ReloadIfChanged
- finalized dimension switcher (not yet with dimension creation)
- Next: We discussed the way we transfer Nodes from the backend to the React frontend; and decided that we need to do it more “in-band” than we currently do; to play well with caching of Neos.
- Christopher will change this; so that every cache entry knows its metadata
- at the end of every cache entry, we write metadata-script-tag with all nodes included in the script tag.
- we discussed how the Frontend can detect lost updates
General topics
@inkdpixels: Any news regarding testing with Ava? Would be great to have some basic test infrastructure running, so we can start writing Reducer etc tests.
Inspector still needs to be improved
We need to do some detailed performance tracing, sometimes UI still feels sluggish