Sebastian, Wilhelm, Dmitri
- last monday, I fixed UI issues which make the UI feel unstable
- will review Pull Request regarding tree from Markus
- currently quite some bugs regarding “add node dialog”, lots of minor styling issues. Focussing on these!
- currently having a few hours a week working on the UI. Maybe I’ll get some sponsoring from my company!
- started working on the UI again! Lots of fun to be back
- master state recently was somehow broken, but we’re fixing things along the way
- implemented Main Menu (quite Typoscript-heavy on the backend, so that’s up for review)
- looked into reference editor; still some work to to regarding selectbox component
- maybe help @christopher with refactoring the loading of nodes
- CKEditor: Content Cleaning is integrated!
- not done too much in the last week
- on holidays for 2 weeks now
- afterwards, focus back on React!
- not much progress for me sadly, I think this will also stay the way it is for the next month
a little confused regarding selectbox handling async actions.
- (Sebastian): basically I couldn’t make a way to have the ajax calls work.
- Decision: SelectBox Editor should not know about asynchronity; but this should be within the Reference Editor!
- when containers have local state, that’s totally fine!
Discussion regarding Sagas
- Dmitri surprised to see View Saga
- do we really need this?
- -> Extract the root component from the sagas.
Discussion regarding Actions:
- we should ensure that actions contain meaning, i.e. “switchPage” instead of “addNode” 100s of times.
Discussion regarding CKEditor - Inline Editing on Inline Elements
- idea: for editing, render a “div style=display: inline”. Try out if this works out well.
- maybe go for the more hacky solution, to ignore the span hack.
- Wilhelm will try this out!
General next steps:
- focussing on stability!
- Performance Improvements / Measuring (reduce number of actions to semantic meaning)
- Create Node
- Delete Node, Move/Copy Node
- Move Selectors into Redux-Codebase