A Platinum Badge

Hi Neos Community!

There have been some questions around higher value badges (e.g. a platinum badge) to be available for purchase on the Neos funding platform to support the project.

Should we offer a platinum badge and which value should it have?

Hi Tobi,
for my personal opinion it is pretty much equal if you have Gold as the highest or platinum as the highest sponsoring. The Only thing I was really confused about is that yo actually offer Bronze, Silver and Gold. And in case for what ever reasons you are reading the text below the important link you will recognize that there is an Platinum Badge its just noch promoted. And that is weird. So I would love to decide. If you want to have Platinum. Promote it. If not don’t let any holes for a platinum badge.

Last time we talked about it, we said that we should be open to it and if there’s a demand for it we should provide it. I could imagine doing it the same way as many other services does where they have a couple of standard plans, anything beyond that they ask you to get in touch so it can be catered. There are many examples of these out there where it’s done in a clear way, we could use for inspiration.

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I think we should validate our badges system in general, as it doesn’t seem to be attractive enough. I got feedback from a handful of web agencies who are aware of them but for whatever reason they didn’t find it compelling enough to order a badge. My guess is that it needs to be presented with more value and actually give more value to the buyer. Could be the name (badges …), the graphical representation or whatever. In any case, let’s take a closer look at why they haven’t been bought so much yet.

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Hey Robert, any further input on that?
I think there are a few things to consider:

  • this is a de facto monopoly market - there is only 1 Neos Funding Platform and there is no competition if you want to buy a badge
  • Neos has just become independent and companies need to figure out if the have enough trust in the project to put actual money into it
  • the Funding Platform is not run by a Neos entity and additional trust needs to be extended to Sandstorm, to buy a badge

If we want to extend the available badges (e.g. Flow specific ones, more one-time badges) we can certainly do that (no constraints from a technical perspective).

What we should definitely do, is make the funding option more prominent on the neos.io website - its currently well hidden and no information is displayed about the current funding status.