Alternative to deprecated setParty/getParty? [SOLVED]

I am currently setting up a user management area for my application and would like to write my own User class.
This class should extend/relate to the Account to add some additional fields (e.g. last_login etc.) for my user.

Naturally I would have installed the Party package and would have created my own User class extending the AbstractParty.

But as the setParty/getParty methods in Account are marked as deprecated I wonder how my (rather common) use case is designated instead?

Is there a best practice that replaces the usage of the deprecated setParty/getParty methods?
I don’t want to rely on methods that may be abandoned soon but I don’t want to rewrite all of the methods that make use of the \TYPO3\Flow\Security\Account(Repository) classes directly (e.g. PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider) either.

I have found this old forum entry with further urls but all of those either don’t extend the Account or still make use of the getParty method…

Setting the party on account is no longer required as the owning side of the relation was shifted to the abstract party (see Use add/remove account on abstract party instead.

The Party package comes with a PartyService that can be used instead.

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Thank you for your replies and your hint to use the PartyService (funny class name btw :wink: ).

I have changed my code to set a “last_login” field now from this…:

protected function onAuthenticationSuccess(ActionRequest $originalRequest = null) {
    $myUser = $this->securityContext->getAccount()->getParty();

    if($myUser instanceof MyUser) {
        $myUser->setLastLogin(new \DateTime());

…to this:

protected function onAuthenticationSuccess(ActionRequest $originalRequest = null) {
   $myUser = $this->partyService->getAssignedPartyOfAccount($this->securityContext->getAccount());

   if($myUser instanceof MyUser) {
      $myUser->setLastLogin(new \DateTime());

To create a new user/account I do this (perhaps this helps someone):

 * Creates an admin user
 * @param $username
 * @param $password
 * @throws \TYPO3\Flow\Persistence\Exception\IllegalObjectTypeException
public function createAdminUser($username, $password) {
   $roles = array('MyAdminRole');
   $authenticationProviderName = 'BackendProvider';
   $account = $this->accountFactory->createAccountWithPassword($username, $password, $roles, $authenticationProviderName);


   $user = new User();    //class User extends AbstractParty
   $this->partyService->assignAccountToParty($account, $user);

To complete this topic here is a simple example of my UserRepository that queries both user and account tables:

 * @Flow\Scope("singleton")
class MyUserRepository extends Repository
   public function findAllAdminUsers() {
      $query = $this->createQuery();

      /** @var $query Query */
      return $query->getQueryBuilder()
         ->join('\TYPO3\Flow\Security\Account', 'a')
         ->where('a.authenticationProviderName = ?1')
         ->setParameter(1, 'BackendProvider')
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Hey Katharina,

thanks a lot for your detailed response – I am sure it will help others!

All the best,