Budget Request: Event Sourced Content Repository

Hi everyone,

again the Content Repository could use some help. We are on a great track and things fall into place one by one.
Given that the amount of people working on it is so small we need to balance work time and CR time carefully and that quickly means no progress if all of us can’t plan time for it, therefore we would like to get a total of 10000€ budget again to prioritise the work on CR.

We have big plans for this year that we don’t want to reveal just yet, but in preparation would want to push through some changes quickly now which the budget would help with.

Overall the project is in good shape, a lot of ground work and improvements have been made on the underlaying Event Sourcing package and the Content Repository itself by now has all basic functionalities and we are working on more complex usage scenarios already (some of which are necessary for a sensible beta though).
The current state shows that the ideas work out so far and it can be a very reliable foundation for Neos in the future.


Great to hear you guys are making progress!
Getting ES CR ready is a critical goal for our project, so I believe it makes sense to support it the best we can.


I am totally for it. The es-cr is too big to be finished in spare time in a reasonable timeframe.

Tobi and me updated the ES CR Badges, so we have now 2020 badges and also more core feature level badges. Would be awesome if we can advertise this a bit and maybe one of the CR heros is creating a little screen cast to advertise some core features :slight_smile:

Would be cool if we find some companies that help us to make that happen and benefit from that awesome technology in the end :slight_smile:


Hi everyone,

we just found this post again after discussing a last funding effort to get 9.0 out of the door.

Just for transparency reasons I wanted to state that the budget was granted and also used for development. This was AFAIK the last funding we did for Neos 9.0.

Sorry for earlier post if you read it.