Cannot change images

I have a fresh installed neos environment with the kickstarter package imported.
I wanted to change the default background image of neos and have the problem that I cannot change it. I got a kind of vague error message what could went wrong. So I began to investigate the problem.

First I tried to solve it by reinstalling multiple times and rethinking my web server configuration.
But on a different machine I use the exact same configuration and everything works fine. I tried some other solutions like using php 5 instead of php 7 but nothing changed.

Now I kind of planless what to do next and hoping to get some hints or even a solution.

Below I attached some information below, an image of the error (via imgur) and some configuration extracts (via github gists). If more information is necessary please tell me.

OS: Ubuntu 12.04

Software stack:

  • php 7 via the ondrej/php repository
  • postgresql 9.5.1
  • nginx 1.8.1
  • neos 2.1.5

Installed php extensions:

  • php7.0-pgsql

  • php7.0-mbstring

  • php7.0-fpm

  • php7.0-xml

  • php7.0-mysql

  • php-imagick


It would probably be more useful to have some information about the actual error. You’re getting a 500 error, which means the error should be in the log. Either in your php error log or in Data/Logs/System.log or Data/Logs/System_Development.log.

Alternatively you can see the output in the developer console in the network tab.


I posted the error from Data/Logs/System.log above in the github link:

16-03-28 12:04:13 20294      CRITICAL  Flow                 Exception #1297759968 in line 286 of .../Data/Temporary/Production/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/TYPO3_Flow_Mvc_Controller_Argument.php: Exception while property mapping for target type "TYPO3\TYPO3CR\Domain\Model\Node", at property path "": An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT t0_.persistence_object_identifier AS persistence_object_identifier0, t0_.version AS version1, t0_.pathhash AS pathhash2, t0_.path AS path3, t0_.parentpathhash AS parentpathhash4, t0_.parentpath AS parentpath5, t0_.identifier AS identifier6, t0_.sortingindex AS sortingindex7, t0_.removed AS removed8, t0_.dimensionshash AS dimensionshash9, t0_.lastmodificationdatetime AS lastmodificationdatetime10, t0_.lastpublicationdatetime AS lastpublicationdatetime11, t0_.hiddenbeforedatetime AS hiddenbeforedatetime12, t0_.hiddenafterdatetime AS hiddenafterdatetime13, t0_.dimensionvalues AS dimensionvalues14, AS properties15, t0_.nodetype AS nodetype16, t0_.creationdatetime AS creationdatetime17, t0_.hidden AS hidden18, t0_.hiddeninindex AS hiddeninindex19, t0_.accessroles AS accessroles20, t0_.workspace AS workspace21, t0_.contentobjectproxy AS contentobjectproxy22, t0_.movedto AS movedto23 FROM typo3_typo3cr_domain_model_nodedata t0_ WHERE (LOWER('' || LIKE ?)' with params ["%\"__identifier\": \"32082be9-1874-4353-9055-c926ba578560\"%"]:

SQLSTATE[22P02]: Invalid text representation: 7 ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type json
LINE 1: ...o3_typo3cr_domain_model_nodedata t0_ WHERE (LOWER('' || t0_....
DETAIL:  The input string ended unexpectedly.
CONTEXT:  JSON data, line 1:  - See also: 20160328120413ac14d5.txt
    previousException => Exception in line 116 of .../Packages/Libraries/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php: An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT t0_.persistence_object_identifier AS persistence_object_identifier0, t0_.version AS version1, t0_.pathhash AS pathhash2, t0_.path AS path3, t0_.parentpathhash AS parentpathhash4, t0_.parentpath AS parentpath5, t0_.identifier AS identifier6, t0_.sortingindex AS sortingindex7, t0_.removed AS removed8, t0_.dimensionshash AS dimensionshash9, t0_.lastmodificationdatetime AS lastmodificationdatetime10, t0_.lastpublicationdatetime AS lastpublicationdatetime11, t0_.hiddenbeforedatetime AS hiddenbeforedatetime12, t0_.hiddenafterdatetime AS hiddenafterdatetime13, t0_.dimensionvalues AS dimensionvalues14, AS properties15, t0_.nodetype AS nodetype16, t0_.creationdatetime AS creationdatetime17, t0_.hidden AS hidden18, t0_.hiddeninindex AS hiddeninindex19, t0_.accessroles AS accessroles20, t0_.workspace AS workspace21, t0_.contentobjectproxy AS contentobjectproxy22, t0_.movedto AS movedto23 FROM typo3_typo3cr_domain_model_nodedata t0_ WHERE (LOWER('' || LIKE ?)' with params ["%\"__identifier\": \"32082be9-1874-4353-9055-c926ba578560\"%"]:

SQLSTATE[22P02]: Invalid text representation: 7 ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type json
LINE 1: ...o3_typo3cr_domain_model_nodedata t0_ WHERE (LOWER('' || t0_....
DETAIL:  The input string ended unexpectedly.
CONTEXT:  JSON data, line 1: 

The php log is empty and the developer console only reports the 500 error below:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)    neos/service/node/update