Cant install neos/neos-base-distribution with composer

Trying to install neos on a vagrant box using Oracle VM Virtual Box.
First I used the Laravel Homestead box, with php7.1, nginx and mysql installed on ubuntu.
All given requirements named in the neos and flow docs fullfilled, but after running composer create-project, calling the setup with the browser just hangs and never proceeded.
I than read about there might be a igbinary conflict, but swithing that off leads to an errorpage, that unserialize is causing a problem (looks like it get passed an empty string instead of an expected object).

As I found no way to get this resolved yesterday, I decided today, to set up a debian os on vagrant. This time with php7.0 (supported by debian), served by nginx again.
This time i get to the first setup form requesting the generated password of in SetupPassword.txt.
But that leads allways to an error page:
“Database Error
Sorry, we detected an error with your database. Check your log files in Data/Logs/* for more information.
#0: An error occurred in the Database Abstraction Layer.”

17-12-30 17:20:52 3945 INFO Flow Session HdeRjP9zCxRNYekBUogcWfbaWw30XgLT contains auth token Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token\PasswordToken for provider Neos.Setup:Login. Status: no credentials given
17-12-30 17:20:52 3945 INFO Flow Session HdeRjP9zCxRNYekBUogcWfbaWw30XgLT contains auth token Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token\UsernamePassword for provider Neos.Neos:Backend. Status: no credentials given
17-12-30 17:20:52 3945 INFO Flow Session HdeRjP9zCxRNYekBUogcWfbaWw30XgLT contains auth token Neos\Flow\Security\Authentication\Token\UsernamePassword for provider Flowpack.Neos.FrontendLogin:Frontend. Status: no credentials given

17-12-30 17:20:49 3663 ERROR Flow Exception in line 145 of /var/www/neos/Packages/Libraries/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php: An exception occured in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO) - See also: 201712301720404a83d5.txt
17-12-30 17:20:49 3663 ERROR Flow Exception in line 57 of /var/www/neos/Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/Neos_Flow_Persistence_Doctrine_QueryResult.php: An error occurred in the Database Abstraction Layer. - See also: 20171230172040bb1723.txt
17-12-30 17:20:52 3664 DEBUG Flow Router route(): Route “Setup” matched the request “ (GET)”.
17-12-30 17:20:52 3664 DEBUG Flow CSRF: No token required, safe request
17-12-30 17:20:52 3664 DEBUG Flow Session initialization triggered by Neos\Flow\Security\Context->setInterceptedRequest.
17-12-30 17:20:52 3664 INFO Flow Session: Started session with id HdeRjP9zCxRNYekBUogcWfbaWw30XgLT.
17-12-30 17:20:52 3945 DEBUG Flow Session: Resumed session with id HdeRjP9zCxRNYekBUogcWfbaWw30XgLT which was inactive for 0 seconds. (0s)
17-12-30 17:20:52 3945 DEBUG Flow Router route(): Route “Login” matched the request “ (GET)”.
17-12-30 17:20:52 3945 DEBUG Flow CSRF: No token required, safe request
17-12-30 17:20:53 3945 ERROR Flow Exception in line 145 of /var/www/neos/Packages/Libraries/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php: An exception occured in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO) - See also: 20171230172052716d30.txt
17-12-30 17:21:35 3946 DEBUG Flow Session: Resumed session with id HdeRjP9zCxRNYekBUogcWfbaWw30XgLT which was inactive for 43 seconds. (43s)
17-12-30 17:21:35 3946 ERROR Flow Exception in line 145 of /var/www/neos/Packages/Libraries/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/DBALException.php: An exception occured in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO) - See also: 2017123017213552e61c.txt
17-12-30 17:21:35 3946 ERROR Flow Exception in line 57 of /var/www/neos/Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/Neos_Flow_Persistence_Doctrine_QueryResult.php: An error occurred in the Database Abstraction Layer. - See also: 20171230172135a66b91.txt

Exception in line 57 of /var/www/neos/Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/Neos_Flow_Persistence_Doctrine_QueryResult.php: An error occurred in the Database Abstraction Layer.

46 Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Query_Original::getResult()
45 Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\QueryResult_Original::initialize()
44 Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\QueryResult_Original::toArray()
43 Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository\DomainRepository_Original::findByHost(“”, TRUE)
42 Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository\DomainRepository_Original::findOneByHost(“”, TRUE)
41 Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository\DomainRepository_Original::findOneByActiveRequest()
40 Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository\DomainRepository::findOneByActiveRequest()
39 call_user_func_array(array|2|, array|0|)
38 Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository\DomainRepository::Flow_Aop_Proxy_invokeJoinPoint(Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPoint)
37 Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice\AdviceChain::proceed(Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPoint)
36 Neos\Neos\Aspects\SiteRepositoryCachingAspect_Original::cacheDomainForActiveRequest(Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPoint)
35 Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice\AroundAdvice::invoke(Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPoint)
34 Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice\AdviceChain::proceed(Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPoint)
33 Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository\DomainRepository::findOneByActiveRequest()
32 call_user_func_array(array|2|, array|0|)
31 Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\DependencyInjection\DependencyProxy::__call(“findOneByActiveRequest”, array|0|)
30 Neos\Neos\Domain\Service\ContentContextFactory_Original::setDefaultSiteAndDomainFromCurrentRequest(array|9|)
29 Neos\Neos\Domain\Service\ContentContextFactory_Original::mergeContextPropertiesWithDefaults(array|4|)
28 Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service\ContextFactory_Original::create(array|4|)
27 call_user_func_array(array|2|, array|1|)
26 Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\DependencyInjection\DependencyProxy::__call(“create”, array|1|)
25 Neos\Neos\Routing\FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler_Original::buildContextFromWorkspaceNameAndDimensions(“live”, array|1|)
24 Neos\Neos\Routing\FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler_Original::buildContextFromRequestPath(“setup/login/authenticate”)
23 Neos\Neos\Routing\FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler_Original::convertRequestPathToNode(“setup/login/authenticate”)
22 Neos\Neos\Routing\FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler_Original::Neos\Neos\Routing{closure}()
21 Closure::__invoke()
20 Neos\Flow\Security\Context_Original::withoutAuthorizationChecks(Closure)
19 Neos\Flow\Security\Context::withoutAuthorizationChecks(Closure)
18 call_user_func_array(array|2|, array|1|)
17 Neos\Flow\Security\Context::Flow_Aop_Proxy_invokeJoinPoint(Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPoint)
16 Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice\AdviceChain::proceed(Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPoint)
15 Neos\Flow\Session\Aspect\LazyLoadingAspect_Original::callMethodOnOriginalSessionObject(Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPoint)
14 Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice\AroundAdvice::invoke(Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPoint)
13 Neos\Flow\Aop\Advice\AdviceChain::proceed(Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPoint)
12 Neos\Flow\Security\Context::withoutAuthorizationChecks(Closure)
11 Neos\Neos\Routing\FrontendNodeRoutePartHandler_Original::matchValue(“setup/login/authenticate”)
10 Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\DynamicRoutePart_Original::matchWithParameters(“setup/login/authenticate”, Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Dto\RouteParameters)
9 Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Route_Original::matches(Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Dto\RouteContext)
8 Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Router_Original::route(Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Dto\RouteContext)
7 call_user_func_array(array|2|, array|1|)
6 Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\DependencyInjection\DependencyProxy::__call(“route”, array|1|)
5 Neos\Flow\Mvc\Routing\RoutingComponent_Original::handle(Neos\Flow\Http\Component\ComponentContext)
4 Neos\Flow\Http\Component\ComponentChain_Original::handle(Neos\Flow\Http\Component\ComponentContext)
3 Neos\Flow\Http\Component\ComponentChain_Original::handle(Neos\Flow\Http\Component\ComponentContext)
2 Neos\Flow\Http\RequestHandler::handleRequest()
1 Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap::run()

POST /setup/login/authenticate HTTP/1.1
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 779
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: de,en-US;q=0.7,cs;q=0.3
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0


[response was empty]

As I have tried the setup process for several times now, I stumbled about this composer output lines:

  • Installing neos/composer-plugin (2.0.1): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing ocramius/package-versions (1.2.0): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing symfony/yaml (v2.8.32): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.6.0): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing symfony/dom-crawler (v2.8.32): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing psr/log (1.0.2): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing symfony/debug (v3.0.9): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing symfony/console (v2.8.32): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing paragonie/random_compat (v2.0.11): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing ramsey/uuid (3.7.1): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing psr/http-message (1.0.1): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing neos/utility-unicode (4.3.1): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing neos/error-messages (4.3.1): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing neos/utility-schema (4.3.1): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing neos/utility-pdo (4.3.1): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing neos/utility-opcodecache (4.3.1): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing neos/utility-objecthandling (4.3.1): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing neos/utility-mediatypes (4.3.1): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script
  • Installing neos/utility-files (4.3.1): Downloading (100%)
    Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script

after these all Scripts are executed. Maybe that’s the problem?
If I look into the named Class, which should be the one in
the weird part is, that the error message is thrown out of the class it named as autoloadable^^ and it has no function that fits to “post-package-install”. There is a postPackageUpdateAndInstall or a postUpdateAndInstall.

Is there any distribution that I might get to run?

Hey @augusthell,

I don’t know how the used boxes are configured, so it may be, that they are not suitable - without adjustments - to run Neos.

But in your case, I assume that the problems are not that hard to solve: I guess, it is just that the database credentials are not correctly set in the Settings.yaml during the installation process. A cause could be wrong file permissions. Try to set the correct credentials in the Configuration/Settings.yaml and the run the setup.

The error:

Class Neos\Flow\Composer\InstallerScripts is not autoloadable, can not call post-package-install script

is completely normal. The post-package-install script is called after the installation of every package and it throws an error till the Flow package, containing this script is installed.

Is there any distribution that I might get to run?

My colleagues at maintain a vagrant box which brings an environment tailored for Neos with all requirements (including redis, elasticsearch, graphic libraries …). It already has the latest Neos 3.3 installed. I would give it a try:

If it works for you, you can easily replace the included Neos default installation with your own package selection.


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Thanks for the quick answer.
Already tried to setup my own Settings.yaml on my first tries yesterday on the homestead box, but it didn’t help, that fore I didn’t do it again today on the debian box.
Permissions should be fully ok, it’s all writeable by the nginx user and I even tested some file operations with my own code. So I really have no clue, what’s the problem and as this setup process is not easy to me to figure out what happens, I can’t get it running.

So great, you got a link to another vagrant box set up. It’s unpacking right now, and I’m curious to see if that works :slight_smile:

The vagrant box is working, so I can try out Neos now and have a reference for future installations.
Thank You