Cant install Neos on laragon


  • Windows 11
  • Laragon

First I created the new page using the Laragon tool. Its create url and folder inside /www
I run command

composer create-project neos/neos-base-distribution mySite

When i run website I’ve got the folder tree instead setup page.
I’ve noticed that after installation in my termial I have message
The configured PHP binary “C:\php/php” via setting the “Neos.Flow.core.phpBinaryPathAndFilename” doesn’t exist.
So I opened the flow.bat file and i put like this.
SET PHP=D:/laragon/bin/php/php-8.1.10-Win32-vs16-x64/php.exe
so i change the php path same what composer is using during installation
Nothing …
Dont know what to do

Now i have this message when i run website
Command SET FLOW_ROOTPATH=D:/laragon/www/neos-base-distribution/&SET FLOW_PATH_TEMPORARY_BASE=D:/laragon/www/neos-base-distribution/Data//Temporary&SET FLOW_CONTEXT=Development&SET XDEBUG_CONFIG=idekey=FLOW_SUBREQUEST remote_port=9001&"C:/php/php" -c "D:\laragon\bin\php\php-8.1.10-Win32-vs16-x64\php.ini" didnt succeed.

Exception Code 1689676967447
Exception Type Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Exception\SubProcessException
Log Reference 20231119080021124dcd
Thrown in File D:\laragon\www\neos-base-distribution\Packages\Framework\Neos.Flow\Classes\Core\Booting\Scripts.php
Line 933

Hi there and welcome here,

I am unfamiliar with laragon, but can you check if you have a file in your installation folder Data/Logs/Exceptions/20231119080021124dcd.txt
this should contain a debug stacktrace and hopefully give more insight.

Also maybe try to run the command you saw yourself and see if it works.

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