Communicating the 2.0 Release - ToDo-List Collection

Robert asked me a while ago, to compile a list of ToDo’s to accompany the release of 2.0. Here is what comes to my mind in this regard:

Must Haves:

  • Long list of changes
  • Short list of changes to highlight
  • updated documentation
  • News Item on to link to from Facebook, twitter with screenshots
  • stage image for
  • text and image for posts on Facebook and twitter

Nice to Have:

  • video walk-thru of main changes visible in the interface

Feel free to add stuff and pick up items you would like to contribute

Created a list of issues in Jira to organize the tasks

If there’s not already such a list - create a recipient list for press contacts including t3n, php magazine and the likes would be good I think and send them the news.

thanks for the suggestion

Another thing that should be updated before the release:
If there’s a new Neos Facebook page it should be merged with this one.

I’ve just checked it - both and are available.
I think one of them should be registered and merged with the typo3neos page.

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Can someone from the team take action on the fb page?