(Finn Thorwarth)
i have the following situation:
I have a module what i want to render if a cookie is set with the right value.
I found this, its going in the right direction but how can i get a render condition out of it?: [SOLVED] Converting PHP to Fusion Code
How can i do that?
Lets say i have a cookie named “custommaps” with the value true. If i don’t have it, i want to show something else instead.
This is how my fusion looks like:
# Google Maps Einbindung
prototype(WG.Site:Content.GoogleMaps) < prototype(Neos.Neos:ContentComponent) {
maps = ${q(node).property('maps')}
layerImage = ${q(node).property('layerImage')}
layerText = ${q(node).property('layerText')}
renderer = afx`
<div @if.hasMaps={props.maps} class="responsive-maps">
<div @if.hasMaps={!props.maps && !props.renderFrontend}>
Bitte den Google Maps Code eingeben!
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Hi @BoxerBuffa
Yoy have the request available like this ${request.*}
which is the request object, and from that you can access the getters like
is what I expect you are in need of to get your cookies
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(Finn Thorwarth)
Thanks for your help, how do i use the request in the fusion file?
Lets say i have a cookie called “customMaps” and i would like to check if its true or false.
That should do it
and you might not even need the .value
part for the code
(Finn Thorwarth)
Thanks for your help but i get no result I`m not sure if i have the right syntax and its hard if you are new to the system how to debug.
Should this give me a div with the content of “Cookie”?
prototype(WG.Site:Content.GoogleMaps) < prototype(Neos.Neos:ContentComponent) {
maps = ${q(node).property('maps')}
layerImage = ${q(node).property('layerImage')}
layerText = ${q(node).property('layerText')}
contentMaps = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
@if.hasCookie = ${request.cookieParams.customMaps}
tagName = "div"
content = 'Cookie'
renderer = afx`
<div @if.hasMaps={props.maps} class="responsive-maps">
<div @if.hasMaps={!props.maps && !props.renderFrontend}>
Bitte den Google Maps Code eingeben!
(Marc Henry Schultz)
hi in terms of debugging in fusion/eel i can recommend this package: PackageFactory/PackageFactory.Fusion.Debug: Simple methods to debug stuff in Fusion (
with this package comes fx. the eel helper “Debug.var_dump()” wich can be used as following:
root = ${Debug.var_dump(request.httpRequest)}
(in contrary to Neos.Fusion:Debug - its everywhere usable and supports all datatypes (also objects) its a wrapper around the var_dump of flow)
(if you get with this package any errors you need to fix this manually until merged: make this package usable without phpcs: @IgnoreAnnotation(“phpcs:disable”) by mhsdesign · Pull Request #2 · PackageFactory/PackageFactory.Fusion.Debug (
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(Marc Henry Schultz)
and you need to use request.httpRequest.cookieParams.customMaps
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(Finn Thorwarth)
Hey Marc,
thanks for your help!
I dont now if this is a nice syntax, but it works for me!
prototype(WG.Site:Content.GoogleMaps) < prototype(Neos.Neos:ContentComponent) {
maps = ${q(node).property('maps')}
layerImage = ${q(node).property('layerImage')}
layerText = ${q(node).property('layerText')}
allowMaps = Neos.Fusion:Renderer {
type = 'Neos.Fusion:Value'
@if.hasCookie = ${request.httpRequest.cookieParams.customMaps}
element.value = true
renderer = afx`
<div @if.hasMaps={props.maps && props.allowMaps == true} class="responsive-maps">
<div @if.hasMaps={props.maps && !props.allowMaps == true} class="cell text-center">
<div class="maps-layer">
<a class="button-link google confirm" title="Google Maps laden">Google Maps laden</a>
<div @if.hasMaps={!props.maps && !props.renderFrontend}>
Bitte den Google Maps Code eingeben!
prototype(Neos.Fusion:GlobalCacheIdentifiers) {
legalaccept = ${request.httpRequest.cookieParams.customMaps}
Is there an easy way to show the layer just in the frontend but not in the backend?
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(Marc Henry Schultz)
does this help? Fusion check if in Backend or Live/Frontend rendered - Community / Newcomer’s Corner - Discuss Neos – the official forum of the Neos project
i fixed your syntax a bit ^^
and added
node.context.inBackend / node.context.Live
prototype(WG.Site:Content.GoogleMaps) < prototype(Neos.Neos:ContentComponent) {
maps = ${q(node).property('maps')}
layerImage = ${q(node).property('layerImage')}
layerText = ${q(node).property('layerText')}
allowMaps = ${request.httpRequest.cookieParams.customMaps}
renderer = afx`
<div @if.mapAndCookie={props.maps && props.allowMaps} class="responsive-maps">
<div @if.mapAndNoCookieAndLive={props.maps && !props.allowMaps && node.context.Live} class="cell text-center">
<div class="maps-layer">
<a class="button-link google confirm" title="Google Maps laden">Google Maps laden</a>
<div @if.noMapAndBackend={!props.maps && node.context.inBackend}>
Bitte den Google Maps Code eingeben!
prototype(Neos.Fusion:GlobalCacheIdentifiers) {
legalaccept = ${request.httpRequest.cookieParams.customMaps}
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