(Dominique Feyer)
- projection
- current status of the PR feed back from the team
- !!! don’t optimize for simple case, but for common case (discussion around the mapping method event -> read model)
- next step ?
- split finder + projection, @robert
- work on protected read model, @robert
- directory structure
- challenge again the directors structure
- command === 1 aggregate
- no change
- Generating event stream name (@dfeyer)
- package key / aggregate name / event name
- don’t leak the namespace in the event store !!! (decouple)
- replaying projection
- event store filter (@dfeyer), need to be discussed with @bwaidelich
- next step replaying
- !!! deterministic order (cross aggregate)
- other missing thing
- manually/instant publish events, @bwaidelich create a GH issue to continue the discussion
- adapter for getEventStore, @bwaidelich create a GH issue to continue the discussion
- optimistick locking, @bwaidelich create a GH issue to continue the discussion
- workshop with Mathias Verraes
@dfeyer contact Mathias to have a quote + prepare budget / planning
@dfeyer check with @tobias if the neos project can support the workshop
- next week we decide if we go further with the workshop