Discussion: Move issues to github?

important thing:

How do we deal with security issues? As the issues are always public. Maybe get hidden repo forks for security only?


Isn’t this something we could do on the sprint next year?

Good point… Github doesn’t seem to prioritize this feature request

That’s what symfony does apparently. Another option might be a (free) gitlab repository for those…

Hey guys!

Just a heads up regarding the move to Github. We worked on this during the sprint in Nuremberg and we are almost ready to switch.

We will use a more or less ready to use script to migrate all issues: https://github.com/doctrine/jira-github-issues

All issues will be transfered to Github in the correct repository. Therefore we will use a small mapping array based on components. So the Neos component belongs to the neos-development-collection, Setup to the setup repository and so on.
There will also be an author/user mapping. So usernames will be replaced and correctly linked in github.

###What will be migrated?

  • Title and description
  • Comments
  • Author
  • Correct dates for create date, comment etc.
  • A labe if it is a bug
  • Attachements
  • A URL to the orginal jira issue


We will use the labels just the same way we do it right now with PR

We will use them and tag the lowest maintained branch. Milestones will stay open until we no longer maintain the branch.

Current state

[X] Check all issues in Jira for both Neos and Flow
[X] Add label readyForGithubMove to all issues that should be migrated
[X] Set components in all issues (we will use components for a mapping)
[X] Build a user mapping array
[X] Prepare migrate script ( https://github.com/johannessteu/neos-jira-github-move )
[X] Enable issues in all our git repositories
[X] Create Milestones
[ ] Validate demo issues
[ ] Create an issue template
[ ] Create an PR template
[ ] Actually move issues to neos organization
[ ] Update readme.md and remove jira badge (Point out how to handle security images!)
[ ] Set jira to read-only
[ ] Announce the change

Demo repositories:

For testing i created all issues on my forks. There are still some user missing as they are not set up in the mapping array the point we created the issues.

The issues are created right now with my user, we will do this later with the neos-bot or neos-project user.

Actual process to migrate

Checkout https://github.com/johannessteu/neos-jira-github-move and run composer install. and create a file .env regarding to the documentation.
Afterwards there are two scripts t use. php export_jira_tickets.php will download all issues from jira and save them in seperate .json files. php import_tickets.php will iterate through all json files and create the issues on github.
Note: make sure to edit the github endpoint in the scripts!


I think a few markup transformations need to be put in place still, see for example: https://github.com/johannessteu/flow-development-collection/issues/1

Fixed the problem using 

instead of

where it was

Fixed the problem using 
<f:if condition="
instead of 
<f:if condition="

on jira.

Also https://github.com/johannessteu/flow-development-collection/issues/96#issuecomment-243461171

EDIT: Guess the first case a special case of bad formatting - I fixed that one in jira directly.

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Hey guys!

Just pushed all issues! Jira itself is readonly. Team member can still edit issues for now.
So please let’s work on some templates for PR and issues. I created a PR therefore and just copied our existing texts


Has been done, it’s finished, closing.

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