Doctrine:Update won't update all properties

This is my Category class. When I use doctrine:update properties childrens, tracks and parent are not created in the database… other properties are created.

* One Category has Many Categories.
* @ORM\OneToMany(mappedBy=“parent”)
* @ORM\OrderBy({“name” = “ASC”})
* @var Collection
private $childrens;

* @return Collection
public function getChildrens() {
        return $this->childrens;

* Adds a children to this Category
* @param Category $children
* @return void
public function addChildren(Category $children) {

* Removes a children from this Category
* @param Category $children
* @return void
public function removeChildren(Category $children) {

 * Many Categories have One Category.
 * @ORM\ManyToOne(inversedBy="childrens")
 * @var Category
private $parent;

 * @return Category
public function getParent()
    return $this->parent;

 * @param Category $parent
 * @return void
public function setParent(Category $parent)
    $this->parent = $parent;

 * One Category has Many Tracks.
 * @ORM\OneToMany(mappedBy="category")
 * @ORM\OrderBy({"file" = "ASC"})
 * @var Collection<Track>
private $tracks;

* @return Collection
public function getTracks() {
        return $this->tracks;

* Adds a track to this Category
* @param Track $track
* @return void
public function addTrack(Track $track) {

* Removes a track from this Category
* @param Track $track
* @return void
public function removeTrack(Track $track) {

Hey @Mehdi,

can you try to make the property protected instead of private ? It might be that when it is private, Doctrine cannot properly infer them.

I am not really sure on this; but that would be something to try out maybe first :upside_down_face: - maybe others have other good ideas? :slight_smile:

All the best,

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That was it. Thank you.

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