Error 500 from time to time

I have a problem with error 500, from time to time when I want to write smth in blog i saw error 500.
I try to find information about this problem but all of the solution not work for me.

Please help me :slight_smile:

P.S. I’m new there, so please give me time to “find myself” :slight_smile:

Exception in line 427 of /home/likedog/websites/likedog/Packages/Framework/Neos.Flow/Classes/Core/Booting/Scripts.php: Argument 1 passed to Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManager::setObjects() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/likedog/websites/likedog/Packages/Framework/Neos.Flow/Classes/Core/Booting/Scripts.php on line 427

14 Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\ObjectManager::setObjects(NULL)
13 Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Scripts::initializeObjectManager(Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap)
12 call_user_func(array|2|, Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap)
11 Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Step::__invoke(Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap)
10 Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Sequence::invokeStep(Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Step, Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap)
9 Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Sequence::invokeStep(Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Step, Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap)
8 Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Sequence::invokeStep(Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Step, Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap)
7 Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Sequence::invokeStep(Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Step, Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap)
6 Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Sequence::invokeStep(Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Step, Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap)
5 Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Sequence::invokeStep(Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Step, Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap)
4 Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Sequence::invoke(Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap)
3 Neos\Flow\Http\RequestHandler::boot()
2 Neos\Flow\Http\RequestHandler::handleRequest()
1 Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap::run()

Hi @maciejonek

What version of Flow are you using?
Run composer info neos/flow to get that info :slight_smile:

Is this a issue that you see when you perform a specific action? And can you tell about your application, does it have any functionality that you think could cause this?

i dont know which flow version youre on (the line numbers seem to have changed)

but on flow-8.3-dev the $objectManager->setObjects is called here:

and if null was passed, that indicates the flow cache is broken …

that should (obviously) not happen, but i think there might be something special in your system, as i never encountered this problem.