Exclude URL path segment for a page

Hello Neos community,

I am currently looking to optimize the URL of pages under a secondary navigation.

Let’s say I have defined a footer navigation in fusion like this:

footerMenu = Neos.Neos:Menu {
    templatePath = 'resource://Some.Namespace/Private/Templates/Menu/FooterMenu.html'
    startingPoint = ${q(site).children('... some selector ...').get(0)}
    maximumLevels = 1

I would then create a shortcut node which is used as startingPoint und place several pages beneath it.
My problem is, I have to enter a value for the URL path segment of the shortcut node, so the complete URL for a page in the footer menu would be something like “/footer/some-site”.

Is there a way to exclude “/footer” from the URL?


The easiest way is to place the documents on the root level with “hide in menu” and put shortcuts below your starting point.

Skipping path-segments or empty segments are not supported because this would make the routing indeterministic.

Thanks for your suggestion.

I was hoping there was something like the realurl option “exclude from speaking url”.

No, there isn’t currently.