I didn’t dig very deep into the topic, but nevertheless I would like to start a discussion about the topic as it seems unresolved. Please don’t mind possible term incorrectnesses.
Neos 3.0 now integrates TYPO3/Fluid which is the standalone version of the templating engine. It’s supposed to be xml compliant, but there’s always the discussion on how to properly include ViewHelpers (custom and default ones).
{namespace foo=My\Custom\ViewHelpers}
<foo:some bar="baz" />
<f:if condition="1 == 1"></f:if>
Is heavily used, but doesn’t make your template file xml compliant and therefore not testable against XSD schema. The namespace f
is not even recognized, because it’s the default namespace of the templating engine.
<html xmlns:f="https://neos.io" xmlns:foo="http://typo3.org/ns/My/Custom/ViewHelpers">
<f:section name="Content">
<foo:some bar="baz" />
Is also used by some people.
All of the solutions have some implications. I personally would like to discuss about: