Hallo Leute,
ich versuche gerade die Functional- und UnitTests zu entwickeln, aber ich habe das Problem bei der Ausführung der Functional-Test. Mit bin/phpunit -c Build/BuildEssentials/PhpUnit/FunctionalTests.xml
gibt es die Fehlermeldung
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in Tbs/Ltd/Packages/Framework/Neos.Flow/Classes/ResourceManagement/ResourceManager.php line 549
Type: Neos\Flow\Error\Exception
Code: 1
File: Packages/Framework/Neos.Flow/Classes/Error/ErrorHandler.php
Line: 81
Line 549 Resourcemanager.php
* Initializes the Storage objects according to the current settings
* @return void
* @throws Exception if the storage configuration is invalid
protected function initializeStorages()
foreach ($this->settings['storages'] as $storageName => $storageDefinition) {
if (!isset($storageDefinition['storage'])) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('The configuration for the resource storage "%s" defined in your settings has no valid "storage" option. Please check the configuration syntax and make sure to specify a valid storage class name.', $storageName), 1361467211);
if (!class_exists($storageDefinition['storage'])) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('The configuration for the resource storage "%s" defined in your settings has not defined a valid "storage" option. Please check the configuration syntax and make sure that the specified class "%s" really exists.', $storageName, $storageDefinition['storage']), 1361467212);
$options = (isset($storageDefinition['storageOptions']) ? $storageDefinition['storageOptions'] : []);
$this->storages[$storageName] = new $storageDefinition['storage']($storageName, $options);
Mein FunctionalTests.xml
<testsuite name="Application tests">
<whitelist addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">
<log type="junit" target="../../Reports/FunctionalTests.xml"/>
<log type="testdox-text" target="../../Reports/FunctionalTestDox.txt"/>
<ini name="date.timezone" value="Africa/Tunis" />
<env name="FLOW_REWRITEURLS" value="1"/>
Ich glaube, dass die Konfiguration irgendwo nicht richtig ist aber kann ich nicht finden. Die UnitTest läuft es einwandfrei.
Viele Grüße