Funding Request: CMS Experts Group

As I mentioned at some other occasion, I have been invited by Janus Boye to join the next meeting of the CMS Experts Group in Oslo. The group consists of representatives of other CMS vendors and bigger companies who use content management systems. The idea is to discuss CMS related topics and exchange ideas. But of course it is also a good platform for raising attention about your CMS and explaining the backgrounds and benefits.

I have been invited to join this meeting (and maybe others) free of charge and give a presentation as a basis for discussion. Since I’m there to represent Neos and not Flownative, I’d be happy if the Neos Foundation could compensate me on my travel costs.

The costs are about 250 € for the flight (HAM - OSL - HAM), 120 € for the hotel (well, Norway …) and a few more Euros for train rides. So in total we are talking about 400€ - 500 €.

I suggest we do a lazy voting on this: If you have any questions or objections, please comment until Wednesday, 10.04.2019.