Funding Request: Future proof Media.UI


we currently have 2 main problems with future proofing the Media.UI to work with Neos 9 and in the near to mid-term future even with Neos 8.x.

Problem 1:

Adjust code to work with Neos 9. This mostly affects the asset usage parts. But we need to verify if other APIs changed which we rely on.

Problem 2:

We use the t3n/graphql packages which are not being maintained anymore and already cause issues as they depend on older version of the webonyx/graphql-php package and other plugins in the Neos ecosystem already use newer version which cause problems when installing with composer. Due to breaking changes in Apollo minor updates, we are currently also a bit outdated on the client side.

What is the plan?

The Neos 9 part is probably straight forward but requires a new major version of the package due to breaking api changes of Neos. Some communication is required with the people who worked on the new asset usage implementations in the core.

The GraphQL part needs probably much more effort, because we need either to leave GraphQL behind and replace it with a performance optimized REST adapter that works with Apollo in the JS frontend without too much refactoring.
Or we need to write a super thin custom GraphQL adapter for the Media.UI and we can minimise changes to the existing PHP & JS integration.
We already discussed some ideas for that in the past, but work never really started on it.

A great goal would be to focus at least a whole week just on this topic to produce a running prototypes for a future proof Media.UI 1.x and a Neos 9 compatible 2.0 (or 2.0 and 3.0 depending on how it will turn out) and then stabilise them.

Who will work on this?

  • @sebobo with help of the Neos 9 and GraphQL experts
  • anyone who wants to join in

What do we need?

We would like to apply for a funding of 5.000 €.

  • Yes
  • No
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