FUSION: Inject/prepend into Neos.Neos:ContentCollection

Hi there,

I guess this is a quick one.

Having a “Breadcrumb-Menu” which needs to be rendered as the first element “inside” the wrap of an content collection.

I tried this

    main = Neos.Fusion:Join {
        o1 = My.Site:Component.BreadcrumbMenu
        o2 = Neos.Neos:ContentCollection {
            nodePath = 'main'
            tagName = 'div'
            attributes.class.@process.collectionClass >
            attributes = Neos.Fusion:Attributes {
                class = 'main'

Resulting into

[breadcrumb] <div class="main">[collection]</div>

but I am trying to achieve

<div class="main">[breadcrumb] [collection]</div>

Any ideas?

Found a solution, the following did the trick:

   main = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
        tagName = 'div'
        attributes.class = Neos.Fusion:DataStructure {
            main = 'main'
        content = Neos.Fusion:Join {
            o1 = My.Site:Component.BreadcrumbMenu
            o2 = Neos.Neos:ContentCollection {
                nodePath = 'main'
                tagName = 'div'
                attributes.class.@process.collectionClass >