Future of AFX in Neos

Hello community and Neos developers! :slight_smile:

I was about to modify my menu in my template and i was coming to the following warning in the docs:

We strongly recommend to use AFX for new projects and now rely on the Neos.Neos:Menu implementation. This still serves as a helpful tutorial for older Neos projects.

How will this be handled in future? Will you bring up some deprecations? So far i haven’t seen any “lightweight” documentation and a starting point or tutorial on how to start up with AFX. (Compared to the only documentation that brought me to Neos and really educated me)

Do you have any suggestions or helpful documentation? I’m also looking for best practices and kinda a state of the art with the current development of new projects in Neos 5.2, since my last Neos project was done in Neos 3.3. E.g. seperation of templates/folder & file structure and so on.

Thanks! :slight_smile:


Yes the recommended future is AFX :slightly_smiling_face:

You can find many of our best practices on docs.neos.io or look at the current version of the Neos Demo site. It doesn‘t have up-to-date css etc. but the Fusion code is a good example.

Hope that already helps a bit :slight_smile:

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Other than docs.neos.io the afx syntax and transpilation is explained in the readme at https://github.com/neos/fusion-afx

Keep in mind that afx is still fusion just written a bit differently.

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