Guestbook for Neos 3.1 new site

Hello to all of you Neos fans! :wink:

I’m completely new to Neos and this Discuss forums, so if I make some mistakes I would be pleased if you tell me and I will give my very best to get things done alright. :wink:

I am just in the process of setting up a new site with Neos. I’ve never done this before, some many years ago I made a few sites with TYPO3 and I loved it very much. Now the time has come to develop one or two, maybe three new sites and I think Neos as the “successor” of TYPO3 could be the right tool for me.

So for my first site I would like to redesign a remembrance website. That one is very old (2005) and uses frames and flash. It has to be removed from the internet and new and also modern techniques have to be used. I think. :wink:
This site relies heavily on a condolence book, which is technically a guestbook script which was updated every here and now on the old site.

So to get up and running I’m currently installing Neos 3.1 on a Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS virtual machine on a DMZ host.
But when I have set up the base and the time has come to begin to design and invent the new site, I need a guestbook script or something similiar to this technique.

Is there anybody out there who can help me? Is there a guestbook plugin for Neos which already exists? Or can I use a different, already existing function what I don’t know about?

I really hope that I get any ideas or help. :wink:

All the best,

Hey and welcome around :slight_smile:

As guestbooks are not really something you see a lto these days I doubt there is something already, but I might be mistaken, did you search the package list on our website yet (

Hi Christian,

thank you for the link, I haven’t had a look there.
You are absolutely right, nowadays a guestbook is not wanted anymore. In this special case I need one. As a condolence book.
As I am quite new to the Neos thing, would you please have a look at this one I found via google?

As this one is really old, is it possible to use with Neos 3.1`?
I have no idea how I can determine this on my own, sry.
