How to change/Add the font family


Need do change the template font family but there is not option for same.
Please find the below screenshot.

do we need to configure something?

Abhishek Chaturvedi

If it’s general, change it in your site package CSS.
If it’s for a specific element, it might be missing configuration. Look at the CKeditor5 configuration for that

Hi , Thanks for the update.

However kindly let me know the location , where can I find the site package CSS and CKeditor5 config.

That depends on your Fusion code. How did you include your css?

Hi Soren,

I need that same in my application where I need changes in font family for certain content.
Would you please bit idea on fusion on neos,never had a chance to work on that

Thanks in advance

If you haven’t touched Fusion and installed the Demo package, I suggest (actually, I would say it’s a learning requirement :slight_smile: ) to read this part of the documentation before you go any further

Ok fine.will look into it
Thanks :slight_smile: