How to re-generate the resources in the web folder?


I have transferred a whole Neos project from my local to a shared hosting. It works so far, but the images don’t show up yet.

How can I re-generate the resources below the web folder in “_Resources/Persistent”?

I have seen the command “flow:resource:publish”, would this be the solution? If this command can’t be executed on the Shared Hoster, is there another possibility?


Hey @olibur ,

after i imported a site via site:import, i had the same problem, images wont show in frontend.

./flow node:repair and rm -R Data/Temporary/Development worked for me.

Maybe give it a try?

Thanks @dbuecker, but unfortunately I haven’t full SSH access on this Shared Hosting. So I need to find some workaround for the moment.

I have “workaround” it now like that:
I have just packaged the resources below “_Resources/Persistent” by following the symlinks (I use Linux) during tar execution and then I just have transferred these files to the remote hosting to the web root. Worked so far for an initial start :slight_smile:.