HybridSearch - the alternative realtime search engine for Neos

First release is here, watch short demo

HybridSearch is a powerful realtime search engine written in Javascript/AngularJS with an intelligent indexing mechanism combined with Google Firebase (noSQL). Hybrid stands for the innovative way of streaming search results. Every search request delivers small and preselected data blocks and then they are processing on client side for calculation the search result. Whenever data of the noSQL database changes, HybridSearch performs a live update of the current search result - that’s why we call it realtime search engine. The search engine was invented by Michael Egli in 2016 and it’s a free open source software. Special thanks to Oliver Nightingale (lunr.js) and Wei Song (elasticlunr.js).


  • Search as you type (autocomplete and autocorrect were done in background).
  • Realtime binding (full search index and search results).
  • Analyzes Google Analytics Reports for better semantics (optionally).
  • Provides a javascript framework for creating fantastic user experience.
  • Minimal, but powerful configurations (relevance boosting, filtering, facets, etc.)
  • High performance, no Server-side utilization while searching.

For more informations visit: https://packagist.org/packages/neoslive/hybridsearch

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