beta soft launch

If you followed the thread Crowd integration for Discourse you know that Andi and I have been busy setting up the new Neos Community user database and authentication. We are now ready for a quiet soft beta launch of – and that means that more people will be able to join the discussions here in Discourse.

What does that mean?

There will be a central place for signing up, editing user details and logging in at At this time this site comes without any visual design and is a bit limited in its functionality. You can login with an existing user but you can not sign up or edit user details.

If you want to join us testing and Discrouse at this stage, please do the following:

  1. don’t tweet / blog post / communicate about it outside Discourse or the Neos Slack. We are not ready for prime time yet and we’d like to launch this properly
  2. if you ever logged in to before June 15th, you already have a user account! If you don’t have an account yet, please be patient until we implemented the sign up feature.
  3. go to and find the link for setting a new password. Your username is the same like on, but your password couldn’t be transferred to our new user database. Feel free to use the same password like on
  4. you now should be able to login at (via

At this point it is not possible to change your username, but this feature may be available in the future.

We’ll integrate more services, so that, in the end, you’ll have a nice SSO experience (login once, access all Neos community tools …). Feel free to buy us a beer next time we meet :wink:


PS: there is no login screen yet at - but you’ll see it if you try to login via Discourse (or simply go to

Hey Robert,

works really nicely :smiley: Big Thumbs Up!

All the best,

Look like I have now two discuss account dfeyer (old one but my favorit), and new dfeyer1 after login from Crowd … I need dfeyer back :wink: