Installation: Path not found


I am currently trying to install neos (manual installation) on my Win10 Apache-XAMPP-Webserver (localhost), but I get the following error after setting up the MySQL-DB and typing “./flow doctrine:migrate”:

$ ./flow doctrine:migrate
Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. (this is german and means “typed path not found”)

Type: Neos\Flow\Core\Booting\Exception\SubProcessException
Code: 1355480641
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\neos\Packages\Framework\Neos.Flow\Classes\Core\Booting\Scri
Line: 612

Open Data/Logs/Exceptions/20171005100432212a88.txt for a full stack trace.

What should I do now?

Best wishes,


For windows you should use ./flow.bat instead of ./flow. The flow-file is for linux-based OS only.

Hi Benjamin,

thanks for your help, but unfortunately your tip does not work (the same error as before). Have I got any other options?


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Hello @Maddogi , I am getting same issue, did you solve it?