Is it possible to create a dynamic startingPoint in the reference editor

I’ve got a question about the reference editor and the startingPoint :
I want to set the startingPoint relative to the current NodeMy first try was to set it with an eel expression:

startingPoint: "${q(node).parent().property('_path')}"

But this doesn’t work. Then I tried it with ClientEval

startingPoint: "\\/.+)/, '$1')"

With that configuration, I was able to set the startingPoint to the parent node. I was aware that this will work not in the creationDialog , but that’s ok.

Everything seems to work fine, and I was so happy about this, as I want to solve this problem many times. But : If I have set some references they will not show up if I reload the document, it is always empty…

Now my Question:
Is it somehow possible the enable Eel on this setting? Ii really like the reference editor, but this is clearly a missing feature (or a bug…)

Hey Jon,

also needed to solve that problem for a customer project some time ago and I also thought to make the setting eel-aware. The problem is though, that the NodeTypeConfiguration is cached and not document-Node specific. So evaluating an eel-query is not possible and wouldn’t even be a good idea performance wise.

In my case, the calculated starting point / context Node didn’t depend on the current page so I AOPd Neos\Neos\Controller\Service\NodesController->indexAction and changed the starting point when the search request to the backend was performed.

I extracted the code to a Gist, maybe it helps:


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Hi Daniel,

Thanks you a lot for your answer!

That means, I have to calculate the parent node on $contextNode = // YOUR CALCULATION HERE;?

Do you have a small hint how I can achieve this? I’m still a bit the PHP dummy :wink:

Just what I wrote in

Interesting bug(?) with the reference property editor… I use

startingPoint: 'ClientEval:'

to limit search to subnodes of a document. That works fine, but when loading the document, the editor tries to initialize using the literal string ClientEval: as context node, which of course does not work. Seems like a problem with initialization order?!

Yes, I think it should check if the string starts with ‘ClientEval’ and if it does, don’t set the context node

Where does this initialization happens?

For future me or anyone else looking for a solution to this. After a hint of @sebobo on Slack, I implemented this with a custom data source.

      type: reference
        label: Select a node
          group: general
          editor: Neos.Neos/Inspector/Editors/SelectBoxEditor
            allowEmpty: true
            multiple: false
            dataSourceIdentifier: my-datasource-identifier

DataSource PHP

public function getData(NodeInterface $node = null, array $arguments = [])
        $q = new FlowQuery([$node]);
        $childNodes = $q->find('[instanceof Vendor.Package:My.NodeType]')->get();
        $data = [];
        foreach ($childNodes as $childNode){
            $data[$childNode->getNodeAggregateIdentifier()->__toString()] = [
                'label' => $childNode->getProperty('label')
        return $data;