Jira has moved to jira.neos.io

We have just moved Jira to its new location at jira.neos.io. If you logged in to jira.typo3.org previously, you already have an account at the new centralized user management of the Neos Project! You will need to request a new password though - please use the “forgot password” function in Jira or at Crowd.

Please note that during the migration phase it is not possible for new users to sign up automatically. If you’d like to get an account created, please get in touch with the Neos Ops Group in their Slack Channel or send an email to ops - at - neos.io.

I’m really happy that we got this far in that short time - there’s hardly anything left to move now from the TYPO3 infrastructure. Credit for the new Jira setup goes to @andi who worked on id.neos.io, his colleague Lienhart Woitok who bootstrapped the server and Jira, netlogix for providing the new server and my colleagues at Flownative for allowing me to spend several days on the centralized user management and migrating the old Jira to the new Jira.

If you have any problems or comments, please let me know by replying to this post.

Enjoy your new Jira!