Join us for our Neos Rebranding sprint in April

At the end of April, our next Neos Rebranding Sprint will take place – this time in-person.

The sprint will be hosted by the MÜNSMEDIA team at their Magdeburg office. The primary focus of the sprint is to finalise any open tasks to ensure we meet our goal of going live by NeosCon.

We need you!

So that we can reach our goal of being ready for NeosCon, we need help in the following areas:

  • We need designers to finish further designs.
  • We need frontend developers to code representational components.
  • We need Neos integrators to build node types out of representational components.

Furthermore, marketeers are invited to join to write texts for the new website. Developers of all skill levels are invited to join and help.

See Blog post for further information and how to register