Menu: Show maximum 4 items

Hey guys,

can I restrict a Menu (TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Menu) like in TS1 HMENU maxItems = 3

Thank you for you answers

Hi, you can slice the itemCollection, example based on the Demo package:

mainMenu = Menu {
    itemCollection = ${q(site).add(q(site).children('[instanceof TYPO3.Neos:Document]')).get()}
    itemCollection.@process.keepOnlyTheFirstTwoItems = ${q(value).slice(0,2).get()}

keepOnlyTheFirstTwoItems is just a key. and value in the EEL expression is an array of nodes. We create a new FlowQuery, slice the array from the beginning and keep 2 elements, and return an array of node with the get method. The menu must look something like this:

Hope that help

Is there any way to do this in a menu with setted Starting Point?
I’ve tried this with:

itemCollection.@process.keepOnlyTheFirstTwoItems = ${q(value).slice(0,2).get()}

but is does not work.

Can you share your complete fusion snippet?

Thank you for your answer.
Here is the snippet, but I use only the Menu Nodetype to select the Startingpoint in the Inspector.
The menu shows all sites below the Startingpoint. It’s okay, but it should show only 4 sites.

prototype(MyProject:NewsMenu) < prototype(TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Menu) {
	templatePath = 'resource://MyProject.Website/Private/Templates/TypoScriptObjects/NewsMenu.html'

You wrote:

Where did you add this?

This doesn’t work:

prototype(MyProject:NewsMenu) < prototype(TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Menu) {
	templatePath = 'resource://MyProject.Website/Private/Templates/TypoScriptObjects/NewsMenu.html'
	itemCollection.@process.keepOnlyTheFirstTwoItems = ${q(value).slice(0,2).get()}


This works, but it shows the first two items from rootmenu. Not from Startpoint :frowning:

Ok. I have do this with Fluid. In my for-loop I have used “cycle”